The 4th annual The Write Women Book Fest is scheduled for Saturday, October 8, 2022!
Meanwhile, TWWBF2021 participants have plenty of bookish goodness to satisfy you until next year.

Experience TWWBF2021 at your leisure.
Panels and interviews too!
Buy our participating authors' books at your favorite bookseller and/or borrow them from the nearest branch of Prince George's County Memorial Library System if you're a resident of Prince George's County (or an "interlibrary loan" through Marina for Maryland residents outside of P.G. County).
Jayne Allen
Eden Appiah-Kubi
Camille Baker
Pamela D. Beverly
Cardyn Brooks
C. X Brooks
H.L. Brooks
Patricia A. Crews
F.M. Deemyad
Tia Fanning
Marita Golden
Selina Goodman
Mijiza Green
Guy G. Gunn
Andrea Hylen
Karen Janowsky
Keturah Kendrick
Thien-Kim Lam
Anita Nahal (coming November 2021)
Saralyn Richard
Saeida Rouass
Summer Amaya
Kumari Talley
Cecilia Tan
Lynn Thorne
Cheryl Woodruff-Brooks
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