There's some thematic overlap in these lives lived by two very different men on different continents.
The Life and Times of a Very British Man by Kamal Ahmed
An American Memoir by Kiese Laymon
Scribner October 16, 2018
intimate mosaic of a complicated, messy life rendered in four parts is as
emotionally substantive as it is viscerally grueling. On page 6 when the author
asks his grandmother “…whether she minded if we talked about words, memory,
emergencies, weight, and sexual violence in our family,” he’s warning readers
as well.
in Jackson, Mississippi in the mid-1970s to college undergrads in economically
impoverished circumstances, Kiese Laymon eventually earned a tenured position
at Vassar, an impressive accomplishment made more so by the details of all of
the obstacles, setbacks, and dangers he overcame. Plus, getting there signified
reaching only one of several peaks in a seemingly endless range of professional
and personal mountains to conquer.
directly addressing his mother or his grandmother establishes a conversational
tone and pace consistent with the sanctity of a secular confessional. Heavy is massive in its emotional scope
of revelatory explorations into the weight of words as inflexible, unyielding
definitions; as labels, stereotypes, insults, low and negative expectations,
sick secrets, past traumas, rigid social class stratification,
institutionalized racism, misogyny, and homophobia, post-traumatic stress,
addiction, memories. That enormous weight compresses an individual’s personal
space and their room to breathe freely. It can narrow their focus and limit the
scope of their vision, which probably contributes to the frequency of blanket
statements about black folks and white folks, all and every American.
Imperfect, fallible, dedicated teachers like the author’s mom and the author
strive tirelessly to lighten that load to “give their students permission to be
loving and excellent.” [pg. 180]
of linguistic code switching relative to audience, situation and/or the
speaker’s motives run throughout K.L.’s development and are presented as a
reclaiming of elements of black culture that have been distorted in ways
similar to black people who study and collect Negrobilia.
on the phrase, “laughed and laughed until she/he/they didn’t” reinforce the use
of humor as a coping strategy as significantly more effective than those
suggested by the well-intentioned yet clueless counselor the author and his mom
visit once. K.L.’s struggles highlight the long overdue need for resources like
the Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation that focus specifically on the mental
health needs of black people.
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