[screen shot of author TJ Butler during her "DIY How to Market Your Book to Bookstores" live chat with The Write Women Network* last month https://www.tjbutlerauthor.com/ ] In early May author TJ Butler shared tips for effective ways for authors to get their books stocked in bookstores: Be your own best cheerleader! Your Pitch Package should include a pitch letter, book blurb, hi-resolution cover image, a professional head shot, press release, and an author one-sheet. Also include reviews and your connection to the bookstore. Consider consignment agreements and hand selling. Be prepared to self-promote and advertise. A hard truth: These days most authors, outside of the most successful bestselling legacy traditional ones, are responsible for 90% of the effort of generating attendance for their events. (Yikes!) Suggested resources: Before and After the Book Deal... by Courtney Maum and editing & coaching services offered b...