These characters are forced to choose who to trust to work with them to achieve the best interests of their personal and professional ambitions. [ 3 trade paperback books: Frenemy Fix-Up by Yarah St. John; a couple standing side-by-side in tree pose, The Design of Us by Sajni Patel; a couple lying on the beach, Errands & Espionage by Sam Tschida; an adult holding binoculars up to their face] Frenemy Fix-Up by Yahrah St. John Contemporary romance Harlequin/afterglow books , February 2024 Deadlines. Shay is a small business yogi who works hard to go with the entrepreneurial flow. Colin is a corporate go-getter who thrives under pressure—until that stress jeopardizes his health. When these former high school classmates who quickly remember all of the ways they annoy each other work together to establish Colin’s fundamental work-life balance, both of them recalculate their expectations of what and who they want in their lives. Witty banter combined with relevant threads on th