A Chat with Children’s Author Keka Novales I won an author chat with Keka Novales through her Instagram feed, and just like her “Hola, Lola!” series, she delivered thoughtful observations, encouragement, and humor. Since pressing “record” is evidently beyond my technical abilities, here’s a summary of our engaging exchange: After introductions, we discussed Keka’s original idea of a picture book. It was her agent who recognized Hola, Lola! as suitable for a chapbook series. As a first-generation U.S. citizen of Guatamalan heritage, Keka’s desire to preserve and share her cultural connections and family legacy with her children inspired her to create this series. During Keka’s travels and in response to her socials posts, readers of all ages have shared that Hola, Lola! has encouraged them, helped them feel connected to their heritage, and expanded their horizons. For one young reader, reading and rereading Lola and the New School whenever the challenges o...