So my sangria goggles might have made the idea of hand decorating "I <3..." woven yarn bracelets as tokens of appreciation for people who are kind enough to share their #bookloversconfess tales with me this weekend better in theory than in execution. #BookExpo #BookCon #bookloversconfess Booklovers’ True Confessions What’s the craziest thing you’ve done in order to keep reading a book? Have you ever taken a sick day from work or skipped school in order to finish reading a book? Have you ever lied to friends or family about having other plans so you could stay home and read? Have you ever used your time in a public restroom stall to read? Have you ever used money that was supposed to pay for something else to buy books? How many books (digital or physical) do you take with you on vacation? For seasoned booklovers: Have you ever bought a book, read it overnight, then returned it to the store for a refund the next day? For ...